In My Backyard
In My Backyard
Episode #12 - Understanding Transgender Children and Youth

In our last episode, Patricia had an interesting conversation with Dr. Tiffany Dawson about LGBTQ youth, and how being a member of a marginalized minority group negatively impacts their mental health. Today’s podcast takes a closer look at a subgroup of the larger LGBTQ population, specifically transgender children and youth. In this episode, Patricia speaks with Dr. Robin Cooper, a Licensed Psychologist and clinician at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center. Robin’s area of clinical practice is working with transgender young adults.

In My Backyard is brought to you by The Guidance Center, a children’s mental health agency in Long Beach, CA. In My Backyard is produced by Tricia Costales and Matthew Murray. Thank you to Jay Vincent B for original music. All other music licensed through SoundStripe. Thank you to our listeners and supporters.

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